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Starts March 1st

Living with PTSD & Trauma: A Daily Struggle


For those living with PTSD or unresolved trauma, everyday life can feel like a battlefield. The world may see you as “functioning,” but inside, you're constantly scanning for danger, reliving painful moments, and struggling to connect with others. Trauma isn’t just something that happened in the past—it lingers in the present, shaping how you think, feel, and experience the world around you.

Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing


Are you ready to reclaim your life from the grip of PTSD and trauma? This 6-month program offers a unique and powerful approach to healing, integrating ancient shamanic practices with modern understanding of trauma. Through guided journey work, breathwork, somatic release, and community support, you will learn to navigate your inner landscape, release old wounds, and step into your full potential.

Hypervigilance: Always on Edge

Imagine feeling like you can never fully relax—your body always bracing for the worst. Hypervigilance is more than just being cautious; it's a constant state of alertness, where your mind and body are convinced that danger could strike at any moment.


This can manifest in many ways:

  • Jumping at sudden noises or movements

  • Feeling uneasy in crowds or unfamiliar places

  • Struggling to sleep because your mind won’t shut off

  • Always scanning your surroundings for exits, threats, or potential dangers


For some, this hyperawareness is a learned survival mechanism, a way to avoid ever being hurt again. But in reality, it keeps you trapped in a cycle of exhaustion and fear, preventing you from ever truly feeling safe.

Intrusive Thoughts: Reliving the Past

Trauma isn’t just a memory—it’s a presence. Flashbacks, nightmares, and distressing thoughts invade your mind, often without warning. A simple trigger—a sound, a smell, a certain phrase—can pull you right back into the moment of trauma, making it feel as real as if it were happening all over again.


Intrusive thoughts can take many forms:

  • Vivid flashbacks that make it hard to distinguish past from present

  • Nightmares that disrupt sleep and leave you feeling drained

  • Unwanted thoughts or images that replay painful experiences

  • Constant “what if” scenarios that make you fear the worst


It can feel like your mind is working against you, dragging you back to places you desperately want to leave behind. But these thoughts don’t define you, and healing is possible.

Relationship Struggles: The Walls We Build

Trust feels dangerous. Vulnerability feels like a risk. When you've been hurt—whether emotionally, physically, or psychologically—it’s natural to build walls to protect yourself. Unfortunately, those same walls can keep you isolated from the love and support you need.


Relationship struggles with PTSD and trauma often look like:

  • Difficulty trusting others, even those who are safe

  • Feeling detached or numb, making emotional connection hard

  • Pushing people away out of fear of getting hurt again

  • Overreacting to perceived rejection or abandonment

  • Intense emotional outbursts, followed by guilt and regret


Sometimes, trauma convinces you that you are too broken to be loved or that letting someone in will only lead to more pain. But real connection is still possible, and with the right support, relationships can be a source of healing rather than fear.

No Trauma is “Too Small”

One of the biggest misconceptions about trauma is the idea that it has to be “bad enough” to matter. But trauma isn’t a competition. It’s not about how extreme an experience was—it’s about how it impacted you.

Some people survive life-threatening events, while others experience emotional wounds that are just as deep from things like childhood neglect, bullying, toxic relationships, or ongoing stress. Just because your trauma doesn’t “look” like someone else’s doesn’t mean it’s any less valid.


Your pain is real. Your struggles matter. And you deserve support, no matter what your trauma looks like.

Healing is Possible

PTSD and trauma can make you feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of fear and pain, but you don’t have to live this way forever. Healing is possible, and there are paths forward. Therapy, support groups, mindfulness practices, and self-care tools can help you reclaim your sense of safety, rebuild connections, and start living—not just surviving.


You are not alone. You are not broken. And you don’t have to fight this battle on your own.

My Story

I served eight years in the U.S. Army, completing two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. When I left the military, I felt broken—cast aside, struggling to figure out my place in the world and what I was meant to do next. At first, I didn’t think I had PTSD. I believed what I had experienced wasn’t severe enough to qualify, that others had it worse than me.


But the signs were there. I couldn’t shake the anger. Loud noises made me jump. I was constantly on edge, hyper-aware of my surroundings, and it was slowly wearing me down. When I finally sought help through the VA, I was given medication. The pills numbed the pain, but they didn’t heal me. They masked the symptoms, but underneath, I was still struggling. I would feel calm for a while, only to explode in new and unexpected ways.


Eventually, I quit the medication and turned to self-medicating. But that only pushed me further away from my family and friends. I was living on autopilot, just trying to make it through each day. A part of me didn’t want to keep going.


If it weren’t for my kids, I might not have.


That was the turning point. I made the choice to start healing. My journey eventually led me to Shamanism, and that’s when everything changed. Through Shamanic practices, I began to truly heal—not just suppress the pain. I learned to identify the stories I carried, understand my triggers, and reconnect with myself and my guides.

It was then that I understood why I was here and why I had gone through everything I did.


These are the techniques and skills I now bring to this program. This isn’t just talk therapy—it’s a path to reclaiming yourself, to becoming whole again so that YOU can live the life you truly want.


This journey won’t be easy, but in the end, it will be the most rewarding thing you can do for yourself.


Calm Waters

Healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Program Overview

This program meets twice a month as a group, providing a supportive and intimate space for healing.

Each month focuses on specific themes and practices, building upon the previous ones to create a comprehensive and transformative experience.


Homework and supporting videos will be provided each month to deepen your practice.If you cannot make it to the live sessions, a recording will be sent out within 24 hours of the class.Though to get the best impact you should try and make it to as many of the live sessions as possible.

Month 1: Building a Foundation

  • Introduction to Shamanic Principles and Practices for PTSD/Trauma

    • Understanding Shamanism (What it is and what it is not)

    • Understanding PTSD/Trauma and the effects on the body and energy field

  • Introduction to Journy Work and Power animals

    • What is Journey Work (The Three Realms)

    • Best Practices

    • What are power animals and how to work with them

Month 2: Breathwork and Grounding

  • Breathwork for Releasing PTSD/Trauma (Guest speaker)

    • How Breathwork helps with releasing PTSD/Trauma

    • Exercises for Breathwork

  • Grounding and Centering the Body

    • How Grounding Works

    • Exercises for Grounding

Month 3: Embodiment and Empowerment 

  • Understanding Our Stories (letting go)

    • Identifying Our Stories and how they affect us. 

    • Ceremonies for releasing our stories

  • Journey work for finding our human guides

    • What/who are our human guides and how to work with them

    • Upper and Lower world Journeys

Month 4: Somatic Release

  • Body work for releasing PTSD/Trauma (Guest Speaker: Ana MacGregor)

    • Understanding how the body stores PTSD/Trauma

    • Body work exercises​​​

Month 5: Elemental Journey Work 

  • Understanding each of the elements and how they can help us.

    • Journey with Fire

    • Journey with Water

    • Journey with Air

    • Journey with Earth

Month 6: Soul Work 

  • Understanding Soul Tribes

    • Journey to meet our soul tribe.  

  • Understanding Soul Loss and its effects 

    • Journey for a Soul Retrieval

Whats the cost?


I understand that committing both time and money to a six-month program is a big decision. I also know that most people have a limited budget for personal growth and healing. That’s why I’ve designed this journey to be truly worth your investment.


I am committed to making this program as affordable as possible while maintaining a small, intimate group size. This ensures a high level of trust, support, and personal connection throughout the process.


To accommodate different financial situations, I’ve created a tiered pricing structure. No matter which level you choose, you will receive the same foundational education and healing experience.


The higher-tier package offers a more personalized, one-on-one approach. However, choosing a different level does not mean you’ll be left without support—I will always be available to guide and assist you when needed.


This journey is about transformation, and I want to make sure it’s accessible and impactful for everyone who is ready to take the next step.


Payment Options


Program Only -

        $250.00 a month for 6 months

        $1,400.00 if paid in full


Save $100 of the total when paying in full.


Workshop + one on one healing Sessions - Limit 5 people per program

           $350.00 a month

           $2,000.00 if paid in full

Includes a 1 hr. private 1-1 healing session each month


I understand that healing isn’t just an individual journey—it also impacts the people around you. That’s why, as part of this program, I offer one-on-one healing sessions for your family members whenever they need support.


These sessions are available at any time for a reduced rate of $100. This allows your loved ones to receive guidance and healing alongside you, helping to create a stronger, more supportive environment for your transformation. When those closest to you begin to heal as well, it deepens your own growth and fosters healthier relationships.


Healing is not just about you—it’s about the people you share your life with.


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© 2024 by PNW Shamanic Healing

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